The COPYRIGHT ACT protects photographers by giving the author of the photograph the exclusive right to reproduce your photographs at any time, by any means. This includes the right to control the making of copies. Even after we have given the client permission to reproduce portraits with the purchase of a disk and release, we reserve the right to use any and all photographs under Timeless Treasures Keepsake Photography copyright for website, marketing and advertising purposes, with no compensation to the subjects in the photos.
UNLESS THE CLIENT HAS PURCHASED A DISK WITH PERMISSION FOR REPRODUCTION, it is ILLEGAL to copy , reproduce, or modify any image made by "Timeless Treasures Keepsake Photography" through the use of copy machines, scanners, email or any other graphic medium, without our permission. Violators of this Federal Law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties.
We will try to accommodate all reasonable requests. Please feel free to discuss your needs with us so that we may have the opportunity to serve you better.